2020年——至今,南开大学计算机学院/皇冠足球网 ,副教授
- 2020/09- 2021/ 01/14: 研究生数学基础(研究生课程),南开大学
- 2021/10-2022/01:线性代数(本科生),南开大学
- 2022/03-2022/05 : 信息论(密码科学专业本科生),南开大学
- 2022/09-2022/12 : 线性代数(本科生),南开大学
- 2023/02-2023/06 : 信息论(密码科学专业本科生),南开大学
- 2023/09-2024/ : 数理逻辑与图论(密码科学专业本科生),南开大学
发表论文 (数学类论文严格字母排序):
一、图论方向论文 (近五年 2020-2024, Selected Papers)
- Bo Ning, Mingqing Zhai*, Counting substructures and eigenvalues I: triangles, European Journal of Combinatorics (2023), Volume 110, May 2023, 103685.
- Binlong Li, Bo Ning*, Eigenvalues and cycles of consecutive lengths, J. Graph Theory (2023), 103(2023) no. 3, 486–492.
- Binlong Li, Bo Ning*, Stability of Woodall's theorem and spectral conditions for large cycles, Electron. J. Combin. 30(2023), no.1, 39, 20 pp.
- Binlong Li, Jie Ma, Bo Ning*, Extremal problems of Erdős, Faudree, Schelp and Simonovits on paths and cycles, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 152(2022)399--414. Journal Version.
- Binlong Li, Bo Ning*, Exact bipartite Turán numbers of large even cycles, J. Graph Theory, 97 (2021), no.4, 642--656. Journal Version.
- Huiqiu Lin, Bo Ning*, A complete solution to the Cvetkovic-Rowlinson Conjecture, J. Graph Theory 97 (2021), no.3, 441--450. Journal Version.
- Huiqiu Lin, Bo Ning*, Baoyindureng Wu, Eigenvalues and triangles in graphs. Combin. Probab. Comput. 30 (2021), no.2, 258-270. Journal Version.
- Fengming Dong*, Jun Ge, Helin Gong, Bo Ning, Zhangdong Ouyang, Eng Guan Tay, Proving a conjecture on chromatic polynomials by counting the number of acyclic orientations, J. Graph Theory 96 (2021), no.3, 343--360. Journal Version.
- Binlong Li, Bo Ning*, A strengthening of Erdős-Gallai Theorem and proof of Woodall's conjecture. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 146 (2021), 76--95. Journal Version.
- Jie Ma, Bo Ning, Stability Results on the Circumference of a Graph. Combinatorica 40 (2020), no.1, 105-147. Journal Version.
- Bo Ning, Xing Peng, Extensions of the Erdős-Gallai theorem and Luo's theorem. Combin. Probab. Comput. 29 (2020), no. 1, 128-136. Journal Version.
- Hongliang Lu, Bo Ning*, An Ore-type condition for large k -factor and disjoint perfect matchings. J. Graph Theory 94 (2020), no. 3, 307-319. Journal Version.
- Wen Li, Ralf Klasing, Yaping Mao, Bo Ning*, Monitoring the edges of product networks using distances, submitted.
- Xiuzhuan Duan, Bo Ning, Xing Peng, Jian Wang, Weihua Yang, Maximizing the number of cliques in graphs with given matching number, Discrete Appl. Math. 287(2020), 110–117.
- Jie Ma, Bo Ning, Coloring graphs with two odd cycle lengths. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32(2018), no.1, 296-319.
- 2023 南开大学百名青年学科带头人 (博士生导师(学博))
- 2022 第八届中国运筹学会青年科技奖 (每2年一届,全国5人) 中国运筹学会 - 学会奖项 (orsc.org.cn)
- 2022 第九届华人数学家大会45分钟邀请报告(ICCM)
- 2021 第十一届海峡两岸组合数学与图论大会邀请报告
- 2019 中国数学会年会邀请报告
- 2017 天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次
- 2017 北洋学者青年骨干教师计划(天津大学)
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,圈长分布理论中的若干问题,2024-2027. (主持)
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,图的哈密顿圈和长圈的稳定性问题,2020-2023. (主持)
- 国家自然科学基金青年项目,极值图论中的谱图兰型问题,2017-2019. (已结题、主持)
- 南开大学百名青年学科带头人项目,图论中的若干问题,2023-2026. (主持)
- 国际(地区)合作与交流项目,曲面嵌入图的若干代数和结构问题的研究,2022-2024.(参与)
- 科技部重点研发计划重点专项,**构建技术研究,2021-2023. (参与)
- Unsolved problems in spectral graph theory ``谱图理论中的未解决问题", 刘乐乐, 宁博*, Operations Research Transactions, 2023, 27(4): 33-60. doi:10.15960/j.cnki.issn.1007-6093.2023.04.003
- 谱图兰型问题的研究进展,宁博,柚子优化(微信公众号),2021-04-09.